As the last blog pointed out, the human brain has extraordinary capacity, but that capacity also has the ability to get things wrong. It can indeed take what at first seems chaos, organize it and discover meaning within it. However, it doesn’t always get things “right” – as identified with the sounds and the colors, it doesn’t always recognize what something really is and even what is really there. Some maintain we “make our own reality,” and at times it may really seem so. Unfortunately, though, it is not true: an outside reality has a way of intruding into the cozy worlds we try to construct for ourselves. “Surprises” – what we did not anticipate or construct – break in; sometimes they are even quite negative and we are compelled to scramble to deal with them.
When I first discovered that I have a color-blindness, I fought that “judgment.” I couldn’t be that way because my mom was an artist and an art teacher – and I am an artist too! – certainly that should indicate my abilities! Up to that point, for a decade and a half, my color “problem” had never been a problem – or so I thought!
I now understand an incident that occurred when I was about ten years old. My mother went down to a small lagoon near us to paint the scenery and I tagged along with my own set of easel, canvas and oils. I knew that I was no-where near an expert, but as I painted the trees on the opposite side, I had light and dark greens. My mom looked at my work and asked, “but can’t you see the blues and reds and the variety of colors in those trees?” I had no idea what she was talking about.
The thing that cut most deeply when I discovered my colorblindness and that which I fought so hard against was that I was “defective” – I wasn’t “good enough” – I wasn’t like most other people. True, from time to time it is a good thing to not be like other people, but however when I look at a sunrise or a sunset, although I see some of the colors, I wonder at what most everyone else sees that I miss entirely.
Years later, one autumn I was visiting my mother and driving her around. She gave me her “blue-blocker” sunglasses to wear, and suddenly I saw stands of trees with their reds and golds and oranges and other colors like I had never seen before – the season has always been beautiful but a bit on the dull side for me, however these colors were so vivid! Talk about being a distracted driver! I was just so fascinated by what I had never been able to see before – a reality that I could never have dreamed or beheld or constructed on my own.
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As we consider the constellations, the zodiac/Mazzaroth, astrology, and indeed all of science, there is a problem in what we see – however it has nothing to do with colorblindness. It is something that goes back to the dawn of humanity, to Genesis 3. After Adam and Eve rebelled, they became afraid of Jehovah. When He subsequently came on the scene, it seems that their routine would have been to spend the evening talking and sharing together.
However, when God came in “the cool of the day” this day, rather than this couple happily greeting Him, they were hiding. They knew that they stood appropriately judged. The consequence of cutting themselves off from the Source of Life was death. God could have come sailing out of heaven, pouncing on this sin in order to destroy them. However, yes, He did come with discipline, but more importantly He came to restore, He came with hope.
Still, mankind now had a defect in its perspective of creation. There remains a blind-spot to this day when it comes to God: the interpretation of the world, of science, and of the sky has little room for a Creator, and even where He is allowed, it is only to rubber-stamp what humanity has decided must be. This is comfortable for humans, because like Adam and Eve, we are very afraid of what Jehovah might do if He gets out from under our thumb.
Alternately, like my mother’s sunglasses, Jesus gives us an ability to see God like we have never seen Him before, in all the beauty of His Glory. It is with this difference that we can now look at all of creation, but this time with the Creator firmly as part of it. And rather than creation being merely an end to itself, it rather has much to tell us, not about humans but about God. The primary message all around us is to get us acquainted with God Himself, not as a minor adjunct but as the personally involved major Player of the universe, Who created all things for His pleasure and shares with us His enjoyment of what He has made.